Two Certified Inspectors on all Home, Cottage, and Commercial Inspections.
From the evidence files-flooring
Here we have a photo from the Orillia home evidence files- flooring section. This dirt catching screen let into the floor is commonly found in commercial inspections. It and others like it are used by the entry to trap moisture, dirt, and debris, from foot traffic before it tracks through the building. Most of these have removable screens on top so they can be cleaned out. Most have drains so they can be flushed out as well. The better units have a stainless steel lined holding box under the screens. I have also seen painted steel, rubber and just recently a plastic pan liner. Around Orillia the best units I have seen on commercial inspections are built with a wide flange that sits flush on the sub floor and a second flange that allows the screen to sit flush to the finished floor. This type allows a good seal from the finished floor to the screen flange. But what if the pan is not made this way? See the next photo.
This photo shows what I am looking for if I find floor screens that are not installed or built the right way. During commercial inspections I will make a careful note of this type of thing and make a point of looking for evidence that the seal around the pan is intact and that water is not seeping through. In the first photo note the flange is sitting on top of the finished floor. It can be sealed to the finished floor with a sealant. They are often installed that way after the floor goes in but when the sealant fails this is what this inspector found. Photos from the evidence files of the Orillia home These two photos are clear evidence of sealant failure and this installation will require repair soon.